Yesterday, Matthew's fondest wish came true. (That's not him in the photo above, by the way; it's Steve and Ben.) Every day when he arrives at school, he greets his principal with, "Mr. Schulze, can we have a snow day today? Please?" It doesn't matter if it's sunny and 80 degrees--Matthew still asks for a snow day. After two years of hoping, yesterday was the day. Over a foot of snow fell on us, and the radio announcer gave the glad tidings at 5 a.m. "No school today at Zion Lutheran, Faith Lutheran or District 154 in Marengo." And there was much rejoicing! Much going back to sleep, too, in those nice cozy flannel-sheeted beds. I didn't crawl out of mine until almost 9:00.
And then the fun began. At least parts of it were fun. Steve didn't think the 64 acres (well, maybe not quite that much, though it felt like it) of driveway to shovel was much fun, but he got out there and did it anyway, with a little help from some of the rest of us. My back is a bit sore today. A perfect excuse to not rub Steve's back, which is a LOT sore.
All the kids got outside for sledding, in spite of the fact that there isn't anything remotely resembling a hill for miles around. At least not anything a northeast-Nebraska-Bohemian-Alps gal like me would call a hill. But the neighbor graciously allowed the kids to slide down the gentle slope in his yard, and that was nice. Ben spent more time outside than he did inside yesterday. He loves snow.
Susannah and I pulled out the cookie recipes and started our Christmas baking. Carols blaring from the boombox, we mixed and rolled and spritzed the day away. Snitched, too, a little. The other kids helped some in bits and pieces. The kitchen is a popular place when peanut brittle and chocolate/mint cookies are involved.
Some days, it's heavenly to just stay home.
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