July 09, 2006

Now what was that password again?

Well, it's obvious I need to get with the program and post more; when I tried to log on just now, I discovered that whatever password I chose weeks ago when I created this blog had irretrievably slipped through holes in the sieve I call my mind. Passwords are a great idea--they just give me no end of heartburn because I'm always forgetting them, no matter how memorable I try to make them. Trouble is, the requirements are getting too much for me to manage. I mean, I can handle plain old four-character passwords, but when I need to come up with six characters or, heaven forbid, six characters that must be a combination of letters and numbers, too many options open up, guaranteeing that the option I finally settled on will not be an option on which I will ever in my natural life be able to settle on again without artificial mnemonic intervention. So this time I'm breaking all the rules and WRITING THAT SUCKER DOWN. I guess maybe I could come here a bit more often, and that might help, too.

1 comment:

Rachel said...

Okay, so I'm having some problems here. Time to do a little test.