September 13, 2006

Sometimes it's really, really hard to be around teens.

A couple of the kids at school got caught doing something they should not have been doing, and my response has been all over the map--from anger to compassion to apathy and back again. How could these kids be so DUMB? Why do they run after other gods as if their lives depended on it? Why are they so blind to the good news that is right in front of them--that they don't have to be trapped in the crap of this world, they don't have to look for cheap thrills to spice up their lives, and they don't have to thumb their noses at whatever segments of the adult world have offended them. I ask myself how we in our little Christian school have let these kids down. What could we have done differently? What should we do now? How do we help them see how very ugly and sordid those things are that they consider so appealing? How do we show them their wounds and help them see the Healer?

I'm convicted of my own cowardice and silence in not more boldly holding out the word of life.

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